I planned to write all my 'in-character' posts in regular text, and all of my out-of-character posts and photo captions in italics.
Now for a little informal survey... I'd like to know what you think so far? What do you like, what do you hate? Totally don't care? Take a moment to comment and let me know what you think!
You can also let me know that you're paying attention other ways... comment on a post you find interesting by clicking on the spot that says "0 Comments" at the foot of every post... or become a 'follower' of my journal by clicking on the "Follow this Blog" button just bellow where it says "My Followers". And the best part of that is, you don't have to be a member of Blogger to be a follower.
What I think is...that your work here is fine work, very interesting, informative, educational just the way it is. Each and every entry is enjoyable with a style of writing that is personable, light and entertaining, besides it all, keeps me up to the minute as to what the Dr. is busy with, very important you know. (Photography is always great, too!) respectfully, MI fan (holding down the fort just N of the Muskegon river)
Thanks MI fan! I'm glad to know you enjoy reading my writings here. Always feel free to comment on anything you find of particular interest here. :)
Since I'm quite a new reader of yours, I don't really have anything to complain about. I'm quite pleased with all the things I find on your blog, your posts are interesting and fun to read. I promise I'll inform you if I find anything I hate or can't stand(although I doubt I will). :)
Kind regards,
Oh, I forgot one thing - I haven't yet brought myself to check it up properly, so I'll just take the easy way: what exactly does Tempus Fugit mean?
'Tempus Fugit' is a Latin expression meaning "time flees", more commonly translated as "time flies". The perfect motto for a time traveler. :)
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