Found this list on another website and thought it would be fun to do...Astrology sign - Capricorn
Gender - Male
Eye color - Brown
Favorite color - Brown-ish or some combo of brown and blue
Glasses - Yes, since I was in Jr. High
Tattoos - No thanks
Hometown - Old Hickory
Single or taken - in a relationship
Children's names - Lucy, Molly, Rosie, Sophie
*HAVE YOU EVER*Cut your own hair?: …as a kid I seem to recall chopping out a small bit, but I was old enough to know better, and didn't take much. I occasionally will chop at my hair nowadays when it irritates me.
Did you do something in the past month that you regret?: Oh sure, a few.
Skipped school?: Yes, in high school.
Bungee-jumped?: Yes
Punched someone?: Yes
Cheated on a test : A few times in High School... Spanish was a killer!
Broken into someone’s house?: My own, several times. I'm bad about leaving my keys on the kitchen counter.
Been to a funeral?: Yes
Used a lighter?: Yes
*FAVORITE*Season - Autumn
Food - Breakfast foods
Ice cream flavor - Vanilla
Candy - Black licorice
Breakfast - I've been doing English Muffins alot of late.
Book - The Count of Monte Cristo, Band of Brothers
Song - Hmmmm, too many to name.
Place - My home.
Sport to watch on TV - Who watches sports?
Disney movie - The Toy Story movies are fun
Name for a son - Major, Sergeant, General... anything that sounds like a rank would be fun
Name for a daughter - Zuzu
*DO YOU PREFER*Chocolate or vanilla?: Vanilla, but not just ANY vanilla...
Coffee or Tea?: Earl Grey all the way!
Dogs or cats?: CATS!
Scary movies or comedies?: Comedies, but I can't pass up a good Zombie movie!
Short or long hair on the opposite sex: Both are good depending on the gal.
Croutons or bacon bits?: Bleh! Seriously? Why is this even an option?
*FIRST THINGS THAT COME TO MIND*Chainsaws - Haunted House
School - Work
Cows - Moo
Canada - uhmm... er... uh....
Mouse - Mickey
Hand - Model
*THE PAST 3 DAYS, HAVE YOU*Talked on the phone?: Yes
Watched a movie?: The BBC Version of "Pride & Prejudice"
Cried?: No.
Smoked?: no
Drank a glass of water?: I think so...
Used drugs?: No
Read a book or magazine?: The Age of Agony
Watched TV?: Lots of weather and bits and pieces of Idol and Biggest Loser
Looked in the mirror?: Yes
Taken a shower?: Yes
Taken a picture?: No
Listened to music?: Yes
Told someone you love them?: Yes :)