Got in at sunset on friday.

Visited with Sgt Cushing and his lady-friend. The Sergeant discussed with me the idea of my joining his newly forming military unit in which I would act as the surgeon. He informed me that it would involve a change of wardrobe and I would be an OFFICER! Can you imagine it fair reader? The Doctor as an officer? Fantastic! It would be a most interesting and welcome change for certain. I already have my stylish black suit of new clothes all picked out.

Stopped by the tavern called "His Lordship's Beef", where I had taken a majority of my meals at the trade fair past and encountered a large group gathered around the cook fire. Among them was the Widow C. Black of Black's Coffeehouse. I was pleased to finally be able to make a face-to-face meeting with her.

The Widow Black and the Doctor outside mr. Boone's tent.
Image by Kathy Cummings. See additional images from the fair at Graphic Enterprises.

Afterward, I went next door to the large tent of mr. D. Boone of Kentucky.

He invited me in for a drink and discussion. I took a chair as mr. Boone lit some candles, feeling quite merry, I inform'd him that if he were to light any more candles, I would feel obliged to hold his hand and give him a kiss. mr. Boone and I laughed about this and he repeated the jest to other visitors that came and went.

I spent a rather cool evening sleeping in the wagon, wool blankets wrapped around me in the manner of a caterpillar in his cocoon. My feet were cold, but my dreams were warm.

A letter to a scoundrel

India Ink on cream coloured faux linen stock.

A recently completed letter for mr. B.L. Rhodes.

The body reads:

November 12th 1763

To Mr. C. Johnson from Mr. Robt. Hubbard

Your Conduct of late has been of such a ignoble Character towards me that it must have my satisfaction. Your unwarranted Attentions towards my Wife and Daughters are of such a scandalous Nature as to cause friction, not only in my own House, but also the Community at large.

Also, Your Commentary about me was delivered in such a calculating way, so that I would not be present to address this Calumny. When I returned, You fortuitously absented Your Self so that I might not locate you. You seem more than Willing to Slander me, but not to my very Face. How dare you Sir! To violate the sanctity of my Home, Slander my good name, Cheat me of my Goods, and then retreat to a Place of Safety demands that We should meet.

The man, my Second, who hands you this Note will make the necessary arrangements for this meeting. Should you be Brave enough to appear, I will Show you the meaning of my Words.

Also, Jenny, my House Slave, is the Mother of a Mulato Child. I do not find it necessary to affix the blame upon you, as the Abomination bears your very Countenance. Know Sir I shall sell this Disgracful Creatur at the first Opportunity.

I am Sir,
Robt. Hubbard
New Bern


One piece (Servant copy) Indenture paper.
India Ink of cream colored faux-linen paper. Click to enlarge.

Prices for the various documents:

One piece (Servant copy)
All handwritten with wax seals: $50

Printed with handwritten bits and wax seals: $40

Two pieces (Servant and Master copy)
All handwritten with wax seals: $80
Printed with handwritten bits and wax seals: $60

Sgt. McBee's Unfortunate letter

A letter I wrote for Sergeant McBee some time ago, you may recall him from my recent adventures to the area of Schoenbrunn Village.

The folded letter, sealed with Black wax on the back


The Cooper cabin

In the small hours of the morning, I placed the last of the dry firewood on the fire and prayed it would last long enough for us to go out and fetch more later on when it got warmer out. I could just see the first light of the day through the cabin window as I settled in to try to get a few more precious minutes of sleep.

The girls and I awoke to Sgt. McBee's knock at the cabin door, letting us know that breakfast was ready. We rose and dressed and I bundled the girls in their bed-jackets and cloaks. Lucy has gotten so big that she was forced to make due with her father's heavy gray wool over-shirt.

We were treated to a magnificent meal of eggs, meats, fried potatoes and assorted pastries.

I gave two detail'd surgical demonstrations for the benefit of the publick during the course of the day. Lucy and I moved the table out into the grass near the dogtrot of the cabin, so that the instruments could be seen by all. Lucy, as she has gotten older, has become a great help to me in my practice... tis a shame that the Lord did not see fit to give me sons to pass on the Art & Mystery of my profession to. But things upon the frontier are not as strict as they are back in polite society, and this allows Lucy to assist me to a certain degree. I dare-say, she could remove a musket ball from a wound as well as I! I have already taught her the first rule of a surgeon's mate and make her repeat it for me on command, "Mind your fingers!"

The girls explored the village over the course of the day and made new friends. I tended the table and discussed my instruments and methods with visitors as they pass'd by.

Captain Jack informed me that the girls and I were invited to the 'Williamsburg' style supper to be held in the schoolhouse that evening. I had been past the schoolhouse several times over the course of the day and watched its transformation into a grand dining hall, compliments of the fines ladies who had spent the day working at it.

We were met at the entrance by the doorman who took my name and escorted us to our places. The hall was warm and lit with a myriad of candle lanterns, a spectacular transformation. Two long tables covered in fine, white tablecloths dominated the floor.

Our meal consisted of a large green salad, a bowl of peanut soup, Turkey, Yams and Tomatoes (although I was hesitant to partake of the tomatoes as they are part of the deadly nightshade family), and a dessert of Apple Dumplings with a sweet, warm caramel sauce.

Sergeant McBee was also one of the honoured guests and we sat close to one another at the great table. We discussed our travels and such, and after our courses were served and cleared away, I pulled from my pocket a deck of cards for a little One & Thirty. I also invited another gentleman who dined beside us to join in our merriment.

Sgt. McBee on the left and our card playing companion who obviously needs a few more cards in order to reach the desired 'One & Thirty'. Rose and Molly look on.

Sophie, my youngest, entertained several of the wives in attendance by
singing and making the little 'Ensign Boggs' dance.

We ended up playing so many rounds of One & Thirty, that Rose and Molly even joined in with us. Rose enjoyed saying 'Have it' and getting cards, usually landing far above the designated 'One & Thirty' required to win the game.


I demonstrated again at Traveller's Rest for their 'Trade Days' event that they hold every year at this time. Publick attendance was fair despite the dismal and wet weather on Thursday, and unseasonably cold conditions on Friday. On Friday I wore every article of clothing I owned in order to combat the cold, including my apron over my wool coat. When this fail'd throughout the day, I would march about the table I used to display my instruments. The cold gives rise to thoughts of my next appearance at Fort Boonesborough in November and what the weather might be like then. I will have to remember to pack my heavy wool cloak to the Kentuckee region.

Directly after our departure from Traveller's Rest on Friday, the girls and I began our long and arduous journey toward Schoenbrunn Village in the upper portion of Ohio, upon the occasion of their very first Trade Fair to be held there. The girls slept thought large portions of the trip.

We arrived late, well after most civilized people would be abed. Capt. J. Johnson and Sgt. L. McBee, knowing that we would be arriving very late, left a note for me on the front gate to knock loudly to rouse them. They woke and took me out to the 'Cooper' cabin where we would be staying. The cabin consists of two large rooms separated by a dog trot, but in readying it for my arrival, Capt. Jack discover'd that the fireplace in the bedroom had a hole in the stone at the base, and to build a fire in it would invite disaster.

I dragged the tick over to the office where the good sergeant had built a fire, and made up a big bed on the floor in front of the fire. I brought the girls in out of the wagon one by one, put them in their places and tucked them all in soundly.

My night was spent tending the fire, interrupted only by brief bouts of restless sleep.

Image courtesy of Glenn Tharp

Loudoun October Garrison part 2

Saturday October 10th- Morning came, as it is so oft wont to do, and I arose and dressed in my red woolen uniform.

A steady stream of publick came and went, asking their questions.

Two chickens escaped their pen at the top of the hill by the Commander's house and there was quite a lively bit of entertainment in watching as their keepers attempted to catch them.

Hill and Newell

I arranged Lt. Anderson's desk and chairs in the infirmary so as to be able to entertain, and shortly thereafter arrived Corporal Hill and Private Newell to play cards with the deck so graciously given to me by Pvt. Kirby. We played One & Thirty, and my luck was rather poor. At one point I grew so disgusted that I tossed the cards down on the table and one fell between the gap in the floorboards to be lost forever beneath the Infirmary.

For a bit of entertainment, I danced the "ensign" while mr. Hawkins played his pipe.

Evening brought the Cherokee peace chief "Little Carpenter" into the barracks for a visit. He sat by the fire and told stories of his people late into the night.

Little Carpenter

Loudoun October Garrison

Friday October 9th- Cooler temperatures and rain pursued me along my path Eastward and through the mountains. I was surprised to discover that the trees higher up were already ablaze as I made my way toward the fort there along the Tennase River. Scarlet, orange and amber intermixed with brilliant shades of green lined my path and it was as though I was seeing colors for the first time in a long while.

I arrived around mid day to discover that I was one of the first to arrive. I took my place in the Infirmary and began to go about the tasks that would occupy any surgeon's mate whilst the Doctor was away. I straightened and dusted the bottles on the shelves, I took the ticks and pillows off the sickbeds to be aired outside, and I swept the floors... vigorously.

Something fantastic occurred, I was given a key! The key to the Infirmary, for my own personal use. I kept it tucked away safely in my waistcoat pocket and took great pride in using it to lock and unlock the door to the Infirmary as I came and went.

Private Steel

I also made an alarming discovery. I was informed by Private Steel, that the skull that resides in the Infirmary, was stolen last month! My first thought was for my Lucy, who had grown quite attached to the old skull during our trip to Fort Niagara this summer. I knew she would be heartbroken. What sort of monstrous, grave-robbing fiend would steal a skull used to educate the publick in the ways of physick and surgery? I was utterly disgusted about it for the remainder of the day every time it was brought to mind.

I made my bed down the hill in the barracks reserved for the bachelor soldiers, it would be my first time to stay in those quarters. I fluffed the tick and laid out my wool blankets to make my bed. The bachelor's quarters is a long building at the bottom of the hill, two fireplaces and made to sleep about 30 men.

The interior of the barracks

As more of the men arrived, so too did the dark storm clouds.

Heavy rains began to fall as we took refuge in the barracks. At nine of the clock, I laid on my bunk while the others made merry of one sort or another, drinking, smoking their pipes, telling bawdy stories and the like. They would occasionally see fit to inform me that if I were to fall asleep so early that they would be at their liberty to set my blankets ablaze. I would raise my head up from my slumber briefly to assure all present that I was, in fact, awake.

Around midnight, the weather had cleared somewhat and the moon shone bright on the parade grounds. I got out of bed and found a group of men standing in front of the barracks talking. I stood with them for a while and admired the stars before we all parted and took to our beds.


BRIEF report of the goings on this year at the 'Daniel Smith Days' event held at the beautiful home of the aforementioned General Smith, known as 'Rock Castle'. The girls and I visited upon the first weekend of October of this present year.

I served once more as the aide to General James Robertson and as the secretary who assisted the Indians and dignitaries in their signing of the document. My newest version of the document contains the actual signatures of Gov. Wm. Blount, Genl. Danl. Smith and Genl. Jas. Robertson.

The Treaty of Holston was signed by William Blount, governor in and over the territory of the United States south of the Ohio River, and superintendent of Indian affairs for the southern district for the United States and representatives of the Cherokee Nation on July 2, 1791 near the Holston River and proclaimed on February 7, 1792.

This treaty mentions the following:

Establishment of perpetual peace and friendship between the two nations.

Cherokees acknowledge protection of United States.

Prisoners of war to be restored.

Boundaries established between the Cherokee Nation and the United States.

Stipulation of a road by the United States.

United States to regulate trade.

Guarantees by the United States that the lands of the Cherokee Nation have not been ceded to the United States.

No U.S. citizens may settle within the Cherokee Nation.

No U.S. citizens may hunt within the Cherokee Nation.

Cherokees must deliver up criminals to the United States.

U.S. citizens committing crimes within the Cherokee Nation are to be punished.

Retaliation restrained by both nations.

Cherokees to give notice of pending attacks by other tribes against the United States.

United States to make presents to the Cherokees for the promotion of having the Cherokees take up an agrarian culture.

Both nations to cease any animosities held against each other.

At the end of it, General Robertson looked at me and slipped one of the leftover peace medals into my hand. Says he with a smile and wink, "For you and your service sir." I thanked him and dropped it into my coat pocket. It will be something nice to wear about my neck at a formal event perhaps.

As is the custom of all great men and their estates, Rock Castle was open to tours of interested publick. I was so busy throughout the day that I was only able to get away and into the house itself once, and even then I was not able to tarry there for as long as I wish'd to.

Saturday night was spent in a great outdoor meal and a raffle, wherein the traders at the fair donated prizes to be given away to those in attendance. I ate the Brisket and listened to the music of the harp. Sophia was so tired that she slept on my lap with her little face pressed against my chest. My other girls played with two friendly dogs that had wandered onto the grounds.

Rain and cooler weather rolled in on Sunday morning.

I took my dinner on Sunday at the "King of Prussia" tavern operated by Herr Freudenthal and his wife, located across the road from my normal eatery, "Beggars and Boar" operated by mr. Pennington. The pretty girls behind the counter did their job with great efficiency, batting their eyelashes and selling me far more food and drink than I required. I sat out front and ate with mr. Jas. Apple and mr. W. Milton. Between the three of us we laughed for nearly our entire visit, myself laughing so hard as to have to work not to choke and wiping away tears.


HE Temporary officer's quarters is a small framed building that sits atop the hill next to the commander's quarters. A rectangular clapboard covered structure, that contains but a table and a large bed. The last time I was in it, I took the tick out and over-stuffed it with straw, it slept magnificently!

It overlooks the entire fort. From atop that hill, one can see the parade grounds, and all the other buildings that make up life upon the frontier. It also offers a grand view of the little indian village known as Tuskegee just outside the palisades. Beyond the rustic village lies the Tenasee River, glistening in the sun. The entire area is surrounded by mist covered hills and mountains that retreat to the edge of ones ability to see.

When last I was there, the sun had been especially cruel, and I had managed to sweat through every layer of my clothes. Linen shirt, red wool weskit and matching red wool breeches all soaked. So when my duties in the infirmary were done for the day, we slipped down the hill and out of the fort to the water's edge, where we stripped down to our shirts and shifts, and swam among the rocks near the shore.

I laid my clothes out to dry in the windows of the officer's quarters where they could be reached by the early evening breezes and laid on the overstuffed tick to sleep.

The Siege at Fort Boonesborough part 2

Saturday, Sept. 26th- I could hear the driving rains all through the night on the roof of the cabin, it refused to subside. I awoke early and dressed and watched the still falling rain from the doorway. I made my breakfast of a small biscuit and a spot of gravy.

I finally got out and gathered the blue box from the wagon and took it to the cabin mr. Farmer had set aside for my use as an office. The roads and paths were awash and made travel about the fort difficult. I splashed in newly formed creeks and rivers that flowed upon the paths and draped my pigskin apron over my head in an attempt to spare myself from some of the rain, to no avail.

The crowds of publick were light due to the falling weather, but I spoke to those that were interested enough to brave the waters.

A fortunate effect of the weather was that it seemed to ward off the impending indian attack. I suspect they did not have enough canoes to cross the soggy ground between their camps and the fort to wage an attack.

Afternoon brought a break in the rains and more publick to talk to, great numbers of them. I crowded them in and spoke to them in the largest groups I could.

It would appear that the fort has a cat lurking about, I found the door to the common house open, and there it sat, eating something I could not identify. I think I frightened it away, so I closed the door, lest it return.

I took my supper with Parson John and a very amiable group of others. We ate and made merry for several hours as the sun set. It was good to have the companionship, it was much needed.