Image by L.S. King

HE PROVISIONS are packed and I am prepared to make my journey to Fort Loudoun to join the Independent Company of South Carolina. I shall endeavour to keep up my journal with diligence whilst at the fort, and will update you, my fair reader, upon my return.

The Garrison schedule is as follows:
10:00 Raising of the Colors
10:30 Artillery Drill
11:00 Musket Drill
12:00 Artillery Drill
1:00 Musket Drill
2:00 Artillery Drill
3:00 Musket Drill
4:00 Artillery Drill
5:00 Lowering of the Colors

10:00 Raising of the Colors
10:30 Divine Services
11:00 Games & Sports
12:00 Artillery Drill
1:00 Musket Drill
2:00 Lowering of the Colors

1 comment:

Ninon said...

I wish you good luck upon your journey, and I hope we'll hear from you soon!