ITH the recent passing of the Easter holiday, I thought this might be the perfect time to draw your attention, fair reader, the the fine work of mr. James Moore, Bible Binder. I am the proud owner of one of mr. Moore's efforts, and while he might tell you that he is merely 'playing' at book binding, he is far too modest. In the few years that I have known him, I have watched his skill increase, along with the demand for his work! I would highly recommend his work to any who might be able to lay hands upon it, he and and work are in a class of their own.


Creative for Hire said...

I, too, leave my props for James Moore's craftsmanship - superb!

Anonymous said...

It is a perfect time of the year to give your wonderful tribute to mr. Moore and his work. I am looking forward to myself being a proud owner of one of his books some day soon. Thank you for bringing to light this man and his skills. MI fan

The Clerk said...

I purchased his New Testament at DeChartres April last and carry it with me to every event. A very nice work.
The Clerk