The Laundry

You may notice my Lucy working at the laundry there as Maggie gives her talk.

A Redesign'd Journal

My recent design-lust has seen me adjust and tinker with the look of my various journals of late. But after due consideration, I have decided NOT to tinker with this journal you currently read, but instead to redesign the Regency Doctor's Journal. I am quite pleased overall.

Tho' I had originally given up writing in the aforemention'd journal, I believe it may be time for me to give it a second go as a 'First-Person only' account of the Regency Doctor's adventures. Have a look won't you?

Movie Sneak Preview Images

There was held at the Fall of the Ohio center last Thursday, a dinner and sneak preview of the Lewis & Clark movie that I took part in a while back. We had a meal and cake (disturbing pictures below), followed by a slide show and a two minute 'trailer' of the footage from the shoot. 

Posing with the "Lewis & Clark" cake. I cannot explain what a surreal experience it is to see your own face on a cake that will be consumed by the public.

The experience gets weirder when I am asked to cut the cake. On another freakish note... mine was the ONLY face that was eaten... they even spared the dog! 

From left to right: Seaman, Lewis and Clark 

Adam Mudd as Mr. Floyd 

Brian Cushing with the horse. 
