Oh blessed fortune would seem to smile upon my journey today as I embark, for the weather has cleared beautifully upon this Christmas morn! I awoke and packed the last of my things into the blue wagon and am ready to depart for the snowy land to the North.
Until my return, I shall wish you a hearty 'Happy Christmas', and shall remain
Yr. most humble & Obt. Svt.
The Doctor
2 Days until Christmas

It was this time last year when I was first introduced to their sort, and endured such conditions of cold, snow & ice I had previously thought it impossible to survive in. The conditions will undoubtedly not be much improved upon this trip, as I have received reports from reliable parties that the snow is worse than it has been in ten years. Such a journey is easily planned by the comfort of one's fire.

9 Days before Christmas

THE weather has been bitterly cold in this region, with snow and sleet intermittent throughout the last few weeks, and indoor activities give rise to contemplative thoughts, especially thoughts that pertain to the year nearly past. I miss my drafty little cabin, but leaving it behind has given rise to bigger things, better things, travels and success I deemed impossible before. It is my firm belief that without the support and encouragement of goode friends and loved ones, my current goode Fortune and Success would not be possible, and for that I owe a great debt of gratitude.
REST assured that the Adversity of the last year and my subsequent escape from the forted station along Mansker Creek has not soured my enthusiasm in my pursuits. To the Contrary, it has strengthened my resolve to be the best Physician possible and ply my skills to a larger audience. I lost a good number of my surgical instruments upon the occasion of my exit, but thanks to the good Surgeon R. Operia, I have a modest kit with which to work. I am currently able to demonstrate and operate with what I have on hand.
Dear Sir,
More For Mr. Johnson
For Mr. Gambell
For Mr. Johnson

Images of identity paperwork for Mr. Jack Johnson circa 1760.
Colonial Forgeries

2.)Rough printer's notes done at the request of B. L. Rhodes, Museum Education Specialist at the Tennessee State Museum, now on display as part of the 'Printer's exhibit'.
3.)Virgina Land Grant with ribbon and wax seal
4.)The Treaty of Holston created for the Daniel Smith Days event at Historic Rock Castle. This custom document was created on computer to be 19x24 inches with three wax seals at the bottom.
TN History for Kids/Martin's Station
I was milling about and discovered this older spot starring Wayne Milton as Daniel Boone. I've worked with Wayne several times and didn't know he did Boone, he does a great job of it.
You can find out more about Wayne as Daniel Boone here:
SAR Christmas engagement

Click here to view photos from the dinner...
If your weren't there you missed a great one.
James Moore
President Charles Duncan Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution

The Doctor's strong suit is his ability to demonstrate period-appropriate medical "procedures" for the public. His experience in performing and teaching sleight-of-hand tricks has allowed him to "amputate" a leg, "draw" a tooth, and tend to "wounded" soldiers in post-battle triage.
For the gentler ailments, the Doctor prescribes plain and easy means for persons to cure themselves of all (or most) of the distempers incident to the period, armed with the latest techniques and apocatherian treatments.
The Doctor's presentations continue throughout the extent of his stay, whether he is attending to the public or walking about and interacting with other interpreters. Those who will please to favour him with their employ may depend upon the strictest attendance and attention to Economy. Contact the Doctor to schedule an appointment today!
A portion of a discussion the Doctor gave to a group of adults at
Fort Boonesborough in Nov. 2009

Click on image to enlarge
THIS may inform all whom it might concern, that herein is contained the most accurate description of the gentleman known as 'THE DOCTOR' as can be assembled. Please bear in remembrance that much of this knowledge comes from several of his known companions, tax receipts, ship manifests, apprenticeship contracts &c. as well as testimony from the Hart family & other eye witnesses to the deeds of 'the Doctor'.
Born in England, spent his youth in York and speaks very good English : Had on an old linen Shirt many times mended, the right arm of which still bears the warpaint from the face of a savage he dispatched some time ago, a pair of green Trowsers, a walnut dyed Waistcoat with black leather buttons upon its face, and a fine black wool Coat which is white on its interior and missing several of its pewter buttons, a pair of heavy brown Stockings with either a pair of riding boots or wax covered shoes, with a good Hat and Wig. He is often known to travel with a blue box that is believed to contain a few of his personal items as well as the medicines used in his craft.
Williams, Guy The Age of Agony: The Art of Healing, 1700-1800
Revolutionary Medicine, 2nd (Illustrated Living History Series) (Paperback)
by C. Keith Wilbur
Physick: The Professional Practice of Medicine in Williamsburg, Virginia, 1740-1775
By Sharon Cotner, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Kris Dippre, Robin Kipps, Susan Pryor, David M. (PHT) Doody
Edition: illustrated
Published by Colonial Williamsburg, 2003
Disease: The Extraordinary Stories Behind History's Deadliest Killers (Hardcover)
by Mary J. Dobson
Every Man His Own Doctor: or, The Poor Planters Physician by John Tennent, 1734
Extracts from the Marine Practice of Physik and Surgery, Including the Nature and Treatment of Gunshot Wounds. Ranby 1776
Plain Concise, Practical Remarks on the Treatment of Wounds and Fractures, by John Jones, MD. 1776
THIS may inform all whom it might concern, that herein is contained the most accurate description of the gentleman known as 'THE DOCTOR' as can be assembled. Please bear in remembrance that much of this knowledge comes from several of his known companions, tax receipts, ship manifests, apprenticeship contracts &c. as well as testimony from the Hart family & other eye witnesses to the deeds of 'the Doctor'.
Born in England, spent his youth in York and speaks very good English : Had on an old linen Shirt many times mended, the right arm of which still bears the warpaint from the face of a savage he dispatched some time ago, a pair of green Trowsers, a walnut dyed Waistcoat with black leather buttons upon its face, and a fine black wool Coat which is white on its interior and missing several of its pewter buttons, a pair of heavy brown Stockings with either a pair of riding boots or wax covered shoes, with a good Hat and Wig. He is often known to travel with a blue box that is believed to contain a few of his personal items as well as the medicines used in his craft.
Documentation for the Doctor's impression comes from:
Williams, Guy The Age of Agony: The Art of Healing, 1700-1800
Revolutionary Medicine, 2nd (Illustrated Living History Series) (Paperback)
by C. Keith Wilbur
Physick: The Professional Practice of Medicine in Williamsburg, Virginia, 1740-1775
By Sharon Cotner, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Kris Dippre, Robin Kipps, Susan Pryor, David M. (PHT) Doody
Edition: illustrated
Published by Colonial Williamsburg, 2003
Disease: The Extraordinary Stories Behind History's Deadliest Killers (Hardcover)
by Mary J. Dobson
Every Man His Own Doctor: or, The Poor Planters Physician by John Tennent, 1734
Extracts from the Marine Practice of Physik and Surgery, Including the Nature and Treatment of Gunshot Wounds. Ranby 1776
Plain Concise, Practical Remarks on the Treatment of Wounds and Fractures, by John Jones, MD. 1776
A Discourse upon the Duties of a Physician, By Samuel Bard M.D. 1769

The Doctor's instruments, click to enlarge.

Where has the Doctor gone?
Winter's afoot, and it's this time of year that I always start feeling a little stir-crazy because I've been able to be 'The Doctor' on a fairly regular basis. But then cold weather comes on and the events dry up and sites start closing down for the season.
The first weekend in December there's a Christmas event at Fort Loudon that I've been invited to... and on top of that, I just agreed to be the guest speaker at the Charles Duncan Chapter of the Kentucky Society Sons of the American Revolution's Christmas Dinner.
So that'll give me my fix for December just before Christmas. Then I imagine it'll be a few months before I'm able to don my garb and be the Doctor again. Bwah, that sounds depressing.
SO, in an effort to perk myself up, perhaps I ought to mention some things I'm looking forward to next season...
May 2009-
Martin's Station Raid, Ewing, VA.- I spoke with one of the guys that does a top notch indian interpretation... and he wants to do some sort of scenario with the Doctor. He mentioned several ideas that sounded really good. I'll update you on those as time draws closer.
Traveller's Rest, Spring Sampler, Friday, May 1, 9:00am-4:00pm- I'm hoping that this event doesn't overlap with anything else... I really enjoyed going out there and would love to get to go back.
September 2009-
Fair at New Boston,
Labor Day Weekend,
September 5 & 6, 2009,
George Rogers Clark Park, Springfield, OH
Loudon Market Fair, September ?? 2009
Rock Castle, Daniel Smith Days, September ?? 2009
Fort Boonesborough, The Siege of Boonesborough, September ?? 2009
Kohkohmah & Foster Encampment; Kokokmo, IN September ?? 2009
October 2009-
Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park, History Festival
Nashville, TN. October ?? 2009
Locust Grove Market Fair, October ?? 2009
Not to mention that there are events at other sites that I'd like to give a shot to this next year... one of those sites is Red River.
I have also updated my listing of sites of some import along the left hand side of this page. Visit them at your leisure and let me know what you think of them!
The first weekend in December there's a Christmas event at Fort Loudon that I've been invited to... and on top of that, I just agreed to be the guest speaker at the Charles Duncan Chapter of the Kentucky Society Sons of the American Revolution's Christmas Dinner.
So that'll give me my fix for December just before Christmas. Then I imagine it'll be a few months before I'm able to don my garb and be the Doctor again. Bwah, that sounds depressing.
SO, in an effort to perk myself up, perhaps I ought to mention some things I'm looking forward to next season...
May 2009-
Martin's Station Raid, Ewing, VA.- I spoke with one of the guys that does a top notch indian interpretation... and he wants to do some sort of scenario with the Doctor. He mentioned several ideas that sounded really good. I'll update you on those as time draws closer.
Traveller's Rest, Spring Sampler, Friday, May 1, 9:00am-4:00pm- I'm hoping that this event doesn't overlap with anything else... I really enjoyed going out there and would love to get to go back.
September 2009-
Fair at New Boston,
Labor Day Weekend,
September 5 & 6, 2009,
George Rogers Clark Park, Springfield, OH
Loudon Market Fair, September ?? 2009
Rock Castle, Daniel Smith Days, September ?? 2009
Fort Boonesborough, The Siege of Boonesborough, September ?? 2009
Kohkohmah & Foster Encampment; Kokokmo, IN September ?? 2009
October 2009-
Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park, History Festival
Nashville, TN. October ?? 2009
Locust Grove Market Fair, October ?? 2009
Not to mention that there are events at other sites that I'd like to give a shot to this next year... one of those sites is Red River.
I have also updated my listing of sites of some import along the left hand side of this page. Visit them at your leisure and let me know what you think of them!
39 Days til Christmas!
Two Family Station... continued
Living History Images

The event with all the soldiers takes place yearly at Colonial Williamsburg... it's called 'Under the Red Coat'. It recreates 10 days in 1781 when the British took over the town and declared marshall law. I want to get to attend this event in the worst kind of way... but you have to go as part of an established unit.
This other photography appears to be in Europe. Germany, I think.
Mme. du Jard's images
Under the Red Coat 2007
The Two-Family Station

UPON THE SKETCH, he outlines the dimensions for each building, the layout of the thing, and the materials, in log and stone, that would be required to build it. It consists of two family dwellings on either side, and an open paddock for animals between them. All openings between the buildings are enclosed by a wall.
I HAVE VOLUNTEERED to assist in the construction of said station. While I have assured mr. Barker that I have none of the skills or knowledge required to complete such a task, I am very eager and follow instruction well. I am afear'd that my training as a physician has left my construction and carpentry skills sorely lacking.
IF NOTHING ELSE, perhaps I can stand watch with a firelock and keep an eye out for the local savage. I await word from mr. Barker and his associates as to the time and eventual location upon which we shall meet to undertake this endeavour.
Locust Grove Update

You can examine the images for yourself by visiting their site:
Sumner County Showcase

You can watch the entire streaming video by visiting their site:
Upon the Ohio River

I ARRIVED WELL AFTER DARK, but could tell that there were a goodly number of fair participants already in residence on the grounds of the house. There were canvas tents aglow all over and I stumbled through the darkness looking for the large white marquee style tent that belongs to Mr. Boone. I searched the entire grounds to the best of my ability, but I was tired and I am afear'd that my eyesight tends to fail me in the darkness. After I was satisfied that I had investigated as much of the soggy grounds as I was able, I returned to the entry gate along the main road and spoke to two of the house staff to inquire as to the whereabouts of Mr. Boone. They told me that Mr. Boone had sent along his apologies and would not be in attendance this year.
AND SO IT WAS THAT I WAS LEFT TO FEND FOR MYSELF in the land upon the Ohio, it was to be a grand adventure! There had been a mighty rain that afternoon and the ground was muddy and cold, so I retreated to my blue wagon and resigned myself to sleeping in it for the night. I curled up in the back with my woolens and slept well, other than the occasional bout of wakefulness to stretch my cramped legs out.
SATURDAY ARRIVED and I readied myself for the day, and ate the breakfast prepared by the house staff. Afterward, I walked around merchant's circle and had my first look at the shops as they opened for business. I purchased a fine, hand-stitched lather wallet from the Smoke & Fire tent with some of the money I'd been paid while at Traveller's Rest.
IT WAS THEN that I decided to seek out the local physicians and introduce myself. There in a little stone building next to the house proper was where I found Doctor Miller and his family. His cross-stitched sign pinned above the door read "Surgeries & Bone Setting - L. Miller". The quarters they had been assigned were very modern and spacious, large warm hearth, white plaster walls, solid brick floor & nice furnishings. Dr. Miller and Mrs. Miller stayed downstairs, and their daughter and son-in-law stayed in the upstairs.
I FELL IN with the Millers like they'd always known me, and after the family had gotten up and left for the day, 'Doc' Miller offered me a bit of 'mouthwash' from his surgeon's box. We made arrangements to work together out of his quarters, so I fetched my apron and certificate of proficiency from the wagon and was set for business. I learned a good deal about the craft from the good doctor. I also met the esteemed Doctor Hill, whom I had heard about through Parson John of Red River.
WE DEMONSTRATED our craft to passersby throughout the day, and I stepped outside several times to watch the jugglers that had set up their show in the yard in front of Miller's quarters. At one point I spotted a fellow nick some of the jugglers equipment, and I shouted at him, but he paid me no heed. I notified two of the blue coated soldiers that had stopped in to share in our morning dose of mouthwash, and the chase was on! While the thief seemed to have only one arm and a bit of a limp, he put up a most entertaining display of attempting to escape.
THE REMAINDER of my day was spent in demonstrating my profession, and diverting myself in the shops that were set up there on the grounds. That evening, I was invited to dine with the Millers, and we had a marvelous meal that had been prepared in the kitchen right next door. The good doctor charged my mug with a fine dark beer that he had brought with him.

I BID THE SURGEON and his family good night and made my way to the tented tavern known as "His Lordship’s Beef", Caterers of Fine Victuals who served hand crafted wines, cider and ale. I spent the rest of my evening with the tapster talking about his winery, sampling his wine and discussing the finer points of Physick around the fire out back. His business was slow after a very busy day, as most of those in attendance had retreated to their own camps to sing and drink their own brews.
I EVENTUALLY RETREATED to my wagon and stretched out to sleep. It was fearsome cold that night and I spent a good deal of it shivering. When I awoke at dawn, I was too cold to attend the Sunday service, deciding it was time to return home, and pointed my blue wagon once more southward to the lands below the Ohio.
I visited Locust Grove this weekend... and I met someone who recognized me strictly because he'd been reading this journal! He called me out by name as I was passing Doc Muzzy's tent... I'd never seen the guy before. What an interesting feeling to be known by a stranger! Woo-hoo, internet.
So I've decided that I needed to freshen my journal up a bit, and to that end I have fashioned a new header graphic and will be altering the format a little bit to make it more enjoyable to write... and hopefully more enjoyable to read.
Some of the most fun I've had in the past while writing this has been when I visited Martin's Station and wrote about my experiences 'in character'. Therefore, I think I'll start doing more of that sort of thing. I'll post all my 'in character' writings in regular text like this...
...and I'll post all my photo captions and 'out-of-character' comments in italic, like this.
I should have a report up of my four day marathon as the Doctor up in the new format soon.
Thanks for reading out there in internet-land you strange and wonderful people!
You can let me know that you're paying attention in one of two ways... comment on a post you find interesting by clicking on the spot that says "0 Comments" at the foot of every post... or become a 'follower' of my journal by clicking on the "Follow this Blog" button just above my profile picture on the left of the page.
So I've decided that I needed to freshen my journal up a bit, and to that end I have fashioned a new header graphic and will be altering the format a little bit to make it more enjoyable to write... and hopefully more enjoyable to read.
Some of the most fun I've had in the past while writing this has been when I visited Martin's Station and wrote about my experiences 'in character'. Therefore, I think I'll start doing more of that sort of thing. I'll post all my 'in character' writings in regular text like this...
...and I'll post all my photo captions and 'out-of-character' comments in italic, like this.
I should have a report up of my four day marathon as the Doctor up in the new format soon.
Thanks for reading out there in internet-land you strange and wonderful people!
You can let me know that you're paying attention in one of two ways... comment on a post you find interesting by clicking on the spot that says "0 Comments" at the foot of every post... or become a 'follower' of my journal by clicking on the "Follow this Blog" button just above my profile picture on the left of the page.
Tennessee History Festival 2008

I took part in the Tennessee History event this weekend. Where else in the city could you listen to a speech given by Abe Lincoln, watch a battle from WWII, and be invited to dine with a group of southern belles from the Civil War era?
Other folks in attendance were Sam Davis, General Andrew Jackson, Sgt. Alvin C. York, a group of Black Federalist Troops from the Civil War, Spanish Conquistadors in their armor, a bevy of WWII troops and vehicles... it was lots of fun.
I ate lunch with President Lincoln on Friday after he gave one of his speeches and we talked alot about my Doctor interpretation, he offered up lots of really good advice for me taking my show out and about. What a great guy. He's been doing Lincoln full time for nine years now... I was impressed.
Meet Mr. Lincoln
I must've had my picture taken 50 times on Saturday, and I gave out about as many of my business cards. Which reminds me, time to reorder... I'm all out.
I should have some pictures from the event soon!
History Festival Pix from 2007
Daniel Smith Days Part 2 (UPDATED)

Got a message from a fellow by the name of Michael Gustafson, who took a ton of good looking photos from Daniel Smith Days. He sent me a link to the pictures he took. Good stuff, thanks Michael!
Mr. Gustafson's Pictures
I was sent a link to even more pictures from the Rock Castle event! Thanks to Bill and Deborah Glidden for taking the pictures & forwarding the link!
Images for Mssr. Roach
Daniel Smith Days
I finished the Treaty with time to spare and delivered it on Saturday to the event. After a brief discussion with Ken Hoppes who was in charge of the weekend event, I ended up actually participating in the treaty signing (again) acting as the 'aide to General James Robertson. I mostly gestured and held the document while the key players 'signed' it. At least I was dressed properly this time.
The Treaty of Holston was signed by William Blount, governor in and over the territory of the United States south of the Ohio River, and superintendent of Indian affairs for the southern district for the United States and representatives of the Cherokee Nation on July 2, 1791 near the Holston River and proclaimed on February 7, 1792.
This treaty mentions the following:
Establishment of perpetual peace and friendship between the two nations.
Cherokees acknowledge protection of United States.
Prisoners of war to be restored.
Boundaries established between the Cherokee Nation and the United States.
Stipulation of a road by the United States.
United States to regulate trade.
Guarantees by the United States that the lands of the Cherokee Nation have not been ceded to the United States.
No U.S. citizens may settle within the Cherokee Nation.
No U.S. citizens may hunt within the Cherokee Nation.
Cherokees must deliver up criminals to the United States.
U.S. citizens committing crimes within the Cherokee Nation are to be punished.
Retaliation restrained by both nations.
Cherokees to give notice of pending attacks by other tribes against the United States.
United States to make presents to the Cherokees for the promotion of having the Cherokees take up an agrarian culture.
Both nations to cease any animosities held against each other.
Daniel Smith Days was a great event, I had so much fun... and the Parley scenario went off well with the public. There was a good vibe with the people there, the vendors, artisans and such... it was nice to get to experience that. Saw LOTS of familiar faces from Manskers, past & present volunteers. It was interesting to make note of how many people were at Rock Castle that had been driven away from Manskers for one reason or another. I made it a point to talk to as many of them as I could and found that most of them told the same story.
I can't help but wonder how things went at Mansker's on Saturday while I was at Rock Castle... but I obviously didn't wonder enough to show up there for 'free museum day'.
It was nice to feel like my effort and interpretation were welcome. It was nice to feel like I was a valuable part of the function and not a 'bother'.
At Rock Castle, my interpretation and participation was valued and appreciated.

The folks from Rock Castle called and asked if I'd be able to produce the 'Treaty with the Cherokee' from 1791 for a recreation of the signing that is to take place this weekend at "Daniel Smith Days".
The pictures posted above are the unfinished comp versions with a simulated background to replicate what it'll look like printed on the parchment paper. The finished product will be 19" x 24". The red circles are there to simulate where I'll place the three wax seals for the gents who signed it and will NOT be there in the finished document.
Unfortunately, the original version of the document seems to be nowhere to be found... at least not in time to reproduce it for the event. So I did what I do best... I faked it.
Not long now

The Doctor's promotional materials are nearly completed! It seems like I've been working on them forever, but with some help from Liz in the copy writing department and a massive dose of inspiration from some outside sources, I lit a fire under the project and it's almost finished.
It's undergone several transformations, and incarnations... it started out as 2 pages, then eventually went up to 6... then getting whittled back down to a much more reasonable 3 pages.
If you've been paying attention to the blog... but honestly, who am I fooling really... I posted the original first page of the Doctor's promo stuff on here a while back. I was so proud of it, I just couldn't keep it hidden on my desktop for long.

What an amazing site! The fort is fantastic, and the volunteers and staff were extremely friendly.
The year for the fair I believe was roughly 1761, right toward the last few years of the French and Indian war... in which Fort Loudoun played a role. This is a proud moment in the life of THIS time-traveler, it was the farthest back I've ever gone and participated! There was a battle between a assemblage of French and British soldiers, and a bevy of natives and irregulars. The British troops, in their rusty orange uniforms, drove off the dark blue clad Frenchmen, and routed the irregulars.

I met with a young woman who acted in the stead of the regular fort Physician. She was very knowledgable and gave a great demonstration. After viewing their medical set up here, I now know EXACTLY what I want my own set up to look like!
Three beds for the sick and injured... by jove it was the closest thing I've seen to a full blown colonial era hospital... very exciting!

Afterward, about half past five or so, the soldiers (and others) were lined up and given their rum ration. Powerful stuff... it ate the varnish off of Steve Caudill's tea cup. I turned it down, not only because I had to drive home, but the smell was such as to put a tear in your eye.
After two rounds of rum rations for the men, the singing and dancing began. I've never seen so many flushed cheeks.
Unfortunately, the girls and I had to pack up and head home... the three hour drive was a bear. But the girls played and sang in the back seat the entire way.

Just returned from the fair at New Boston, which took place in George Rogers Clark Park in Ohio. Lizzie and I worked for Maria giving wagon rides to the public during the fair. Liz took up the money, and I worked as a 'safety guy', walking ahead of the wagon and keeping people from being stomped by the horses, or crushed by a wagon wheel.

I believe this might have been the very first wagon ride we gave on Saturday morning. Maria is in the driver's seat, Liz is at the back handling the money.

I wore a straw hat and wagoneer's smock supplied to me by Gerry. It was hotter than Hades in that heavy garment, as was to be expected. I shouted "Wagon coming through, make way for the wagon!" and "Mind your toes!"
It was facinating to make note of how oblivious the people on the roads often were to the approach of the horses. Maria said that the visitors were on a sort of 18th century 'sensory overload'. She was right though, there were LOTS of sights, smells and sounds to take in... it was a pretty fantastic affair.

Here's a picture of oxen and the freight wagon... the young man on the left is the wagoneer's apprentice, Jacob... the other fellow on the right is Gerry Barker. The oxen are named after Gerry's four least favorite kings, William, Charles, George and James. I can't tell them apart, but Liz swears that she can now.
After our shift was over on Saturday, Liz and I helped Gerry, Jacob and 'the boys' to haul a great load of straw and hay around the fair to deliver to various merchant's & artisan's camps. We even took a load over to the Indian camp. It was the best looking Indian village I've ever seen at ANY historic encampment. Liz and Jacob rode up on top of the loaded wagon... which rose about 12 feet out of the bed of the wagon itself, while I walked behind. It was great fun!

The wagoneer's camp was located at the back of the fair, in a shaded area. It was on a slight rise that overlooked the entire fair. The above picture was the view from our camp. The camp consisted of myself, Liz, Gerry, Maria, Janice, Jacob, Rachel, Melanie & her friend Melisa.
Other things we did after our shift ended on Saturday:
Ate lunch in camp.

Gerry introduced me to the two Surgeons in attendance. They were great guys, very knowledgeable with a fantastic (if somewhat gruesome) setup. Lots of interesting medical tools I had never seen before, some really specialized stuff. I am more determined than ever that I MUST get my 'traveling physician' interpretation up and going.
Walked around the fair visiting the merchants. I collected a goodly sum of business cards. Perhaps these might come in handy if we ever get a fair event like this restarted at Manskers?
The Arrogant Frenchman, Monsieur LeFarceur de Villeverte

We helped to load in the dinner that was supplied to the participants on Sat. evening with the ox drawn wagon. One more excuse to take a ride. We hauled the giant food containers on and off the wagon.
Liz and I went exploring around the park and discovered the trail that lead to a beautiful little waterfall and creek. What a great park! I only wish I had worn my boots... by this point in the day my feet were practically raw from walking on rocks and gravel. Note to self: MUST get inserts for boots!
Free dinner and unlimited FREE beer for the participants that night... I drank my one very large mug of beer and it made me instantly sleepy. Although I'm sure the immense amount of sun and exercise I'd gotten that day didn't hurt things either.
A great dance was held afterward in which we learned several of the most fashionable (for the year 1800) dances. There was a good-sized band and a large crowd present for the event. The girls in camp all changed into the best clothes they had available and got their hair done (thanks to Melanie) and generally acted silly.
Maria stepped in a hole and twisted her ankle whilst dancing with a fellow from the indian camp. I spent a portion of my time guarding the beer... when I wasn't dancing of course.
Liz and I resolved never to eat carbs again... we didn't eat a single green thing all weekend! Not that we didn't want to you see... just that they were few and far between.
More pictures for the fair can be found at the following:
Professional gallery of Characters from New Boston
This Guy's Flickr Site
Graphic Enterprises
Fair at New Boston Official Site
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