We were first introduced several years ago, when I was housed at Mansker his station, Mr. C------ came into the area much like any other. He was giv'n some acres as payment for past military service, and claimed land near Bledsoe's fort. He was inexperienced as a farmer and was injured by his plow, I had no recourse but to amputate his left leg below the knee at the tibia.
He and his wife had little capacity for payment, which I finally took in the way of several chickens, a week's worth of meals prepared (as I oversaw the recovery of the patient), some tidy repairs to my clothing by mr. C-----'s goode wife and a lovely Beaver pelt (which hung in my office above the mantle for some time).
He sought me out the following October complaining of pain in the stump. I bled him vigorously, and he returned home, restored to his health.
After the destruction of the old fort, I traveled down Mansker's creek to the Cumberland River, where I went downstream until I found a spot that I could claim for my own that was a suitable distance from Fort Nashborough. My land is but a day's travel by boat to the fort, as it is all downstream. I am loathe to confess, however, that it takes me two days (three on occasion) of steady rowing to make the return trip.
I had built for myself a small sturdy cabin on a nice flat plot of ground and have since plied my trade sufficiently and with some success.
Since the word has come to me of his ailing, I have begun to make arrangements to travel with a party of gentlemen to pay Mr. C------ a visit at his homestead up near the area of Issac Bledsoe's Lick. The party is to be made up of myself, Mr. Flynn, Mr. Burton and the young brothers Bryant. Mr. Flynn is my closest neighbor, and the other gentlemen are, I believe, hunters and trappers by profession.
Mrs. Flynn has agreed to keep the girls whilst I am away. I have packed up my blue box and have made ready to travel upon the morrow.

Although we are saddened to hear that a neighbor however distant, has succumbed to his injury, we notheless rejoice that you, the good doctor have undertaken to treat his injury and wish upon you and he good health and speedy recovery. We implore you to be cautious in the frigid cold that surely will engulf you in this fortnight. Dress warmly in your woolens and keep your head covered. We are breaking into our poor store of acorns to make acorn breads in the Indian style this week in the hopes it will keep the chill off.
Godspeed good doctore.
perhaps he is need of leeches to draw blood flow back into the stump? The trouble is where to find them this time of year. I used to set some into a mud pail in the fruit cellar but alas, I did not this fall. Do keep us posted cousin.
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