Life of late

So it occurs to me that I never write anymore.... and not just here, but anywhere. I've been SO busy doing freelance work and school stuff that I just haven't had the time to do it.

Plus there's the planning for the militia group that I'm helping to start out at the fort... that's kept me pretty well busy too. I didn't have any clue that there would be so much fore-planning involved in such an event.... but I guess that's what happens when you build a program from scratch.

I'm REALLY looking forward to the weather getting warm and being able to get out to the fort again... being inside all winter has made me a little stir-crazy. I'll get my fix soon enough though... the militia muster interest encampment is coming soon and I'll have a whole weekend full of guys in their 18th century togs.

I'm sure to have some decent pictures from the event, I had to find a photographer to take some pics for future promotional purposes... so that'll be fun. Maybe we'll get some good stuff out of it.

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