Dear doctor-
I have been unsuccessful in contacting the 18th centruy bible company listed in your journal. With the view to perhaps ordering a bible for myself, could you possibly provide an updated address?
kindest regards,
Margraviane Louisa vonBrowne
Gimli, Manitoba, Canada
My Dear Doctor,
It is with great trial that I post mine letter to you this day. It is with much troubled heart that I witness the departure of mine mother's family from their visit this instant.
Mine mother seemed to be quite unable to find ease of body or able to retire at any time, nite and day. She seems to have many various thoughts to keep her mind ill at ease and in a most unrestful state at all times .
I would be most beholden to you if you might provide some simple remedy I might have on hand that I may gain her ease of mind more often.
Your friend,
Bridgett McGee of Chillisquaque

My Dearest Doctor:

It is with great trial that I post mine letter to you this day. It is with much troubled heart that I witness the departure of mine mother's family from their visit this instant.
Mine mother seemed to be quite unable to find ease of body or able to retire at any time, nite and day. She seems to have many various thoughts to keep her mind ill at ease and in a most unrestful state at all times .
I would be most beholden to you if you might provide some simple remedy I might have on hand that I may gain her ease of mind more often.
Your friend,
Bridgett McGee of Chillisquaque

My Dearest Doctor:
Having tarried in the far West until now, I have just receiv'd your post. Bearing in mind that I hold you, and your skills in physick as well as the art of barbering in the highest esteem, though you will no doubt forgive my somewhat less than presentable appearance when we encountered each other at Niagara, I trust, good sir, that this missive finds you well -
your most humble & obt. servant,
Greg Ketcham
Private soldier
N-Y Provincial Regt.
I enjoyed each of these notes, thanks to you all for participating! I stated that the more interesting and creative, the better... therefore I have selected Bridgett McGee of Chillisquaque as the winner of this first Tempus Fugit Contest! Her letter not only makes inquiries of me, but opens a little window into her persona's background, good stuff.