Oh blessed fortune would seem to smile upon my journey today as I embark, for the weather has cleared beautifully upon this Christmas morn! I awoke and packed the last of my things into the blue wagon and am ready to depart for the snowy land to the North.
Until my return, I shall wish you a hearty 'Happy Christmas', and shall remain
Yr. most humble & Obt. Svt.
The Doctor
2 Days until Christmas

It was this time last year when I was first introduced to their sort, and endured such conditions of cold, snow & ice I had previously thought it impossible to survive in. The conditions will undoubtedly not be much improved upon this trip, as I have received reports from reliable parties that the snow is worse than it has been in ten years. Such a journey is easily planned by the comfort of one's fire.

9 Days before Christmas

THE weather has been bitterly cold in this region, with snow and sleet intermittent throughout the last few weeks, and indoor activities give rise to contemplative thoughts, especially thoughts that pertain to the year nearly past. I miss my drafty little cabin, but leaving it behind has given rise to bigger things, better things, travels and success I deemed impossible before. It is my firm belief that without the support and encouragement of goode friends and loved ones, my current goode Fortune and Success would not be possible, and for that I owe a great debt of gratitude.
REST assured that the Adversity of the last year and my subsequent escape from the forted station along Mansker Creek has not soured my enthusiasm in my pursuits. To the Contrary, it has strengthened my resolve to be the best Physician possible and ply my skills to a larger audience. I lost a good number of my surgical instruments upon the occasion of my exit, but thanks to the good Surgeon R. Operia, I have a modest kit with which to work. I am currently able to demonstrate and operate with what I have on hand.
Dear Sir,
More For Mr. Johnson
For Mr. Gambell
For Mr. Johnson

Images of identity paperwork for Mr. Jack Johnson circa 1760.
Colonial Forgeries

2.)Rough printer's notes done at the request of B. L. Rhodes, Museum Education Specialist at the Tennessee State Museum, now on display as part of the 'Printer's exhibit'.
3.)Virgina Land Grant with ribbon and wax seal
4.)The Treaty of Holston created for the Daniel Smith Days event at Historic Rock Castle. This custom document was created on computer to be 19x24 inches with three wax seals at the bottom.
TN History for Kids/Martin's Station
I was milling about and discovered this older spot starring Wayne Milton as Daniel Boone. I've worked with Wayne several times and didn't know he did Boone, he does a great job of it.
You can find out more about Wayne as Daniel Boone here:
SAR Christmas engagement

Click here to view photos from the dinner...
If your weren't there you missed a great one.
James Moore
President Charles Duncan Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution
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