Hey guys, just left colonial camp and here's the latest... I'll be coming out to the Red River event in an attempt to rally the troops, and to share information and to discuss some of the plans we have so far for the SAVE MANSKER'S campaign. It'll also be a great time for you guys to share ideas and discuss additional courses of action.
Today at camp, I handed out fliers to the parents and children attending the camp, talked to and posed for pictures for a fellow from the Goodlettsville City Newspaper, and even gave an interview to a photojournalist from channel 4 News.
Hopefully they won't cut it up too badly, but he told me that it ought to be on at either 5-6pm. Here's hoping!
Additionally, in case you missed it, they ran an article in the Tennessean this morning that included bits from an interview I gave yesterday afternoon.
Here's a link to that story:
http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2008806190356We've gotten ALOT of much needed publicity on this so far... but I have it from a high up source in the city itself that there has been "very little" outcry against the city's decision to close down the sites.
PLEASE GET THOSE E-MAILS AND CALLS ROLLING IN... DON'T PUT IT OFF, DO IT TODAY! THIS CAN NOT WAIT.I will be writing my e-mail tonight and having my children write letters as well that can be faxed in to city hall first thing in the morning. I will be making personal phone calls as well. Leave a voice mail if you must... but it is VITAL that you do it TODAY!
If there is no public outcry, the sites are doomed for certain.
And last but not least, I have one more little present for everyone... :)
Jerry Garrett, Mayor
Home 859-1818
Biz 859-1138
Cell 478-2660
Mayor's Fax 851-2182
John Finch, Vice Mayor
Home 859-3999
Biz 256-2200 ext 250
cell 714-1011
Jeff Cordell
Home 859-5649
Biz 672-3761
cell 305-8077
Gary Manning
Home 851-1571
Cell 708-2161
John Coombs
Home 851-5432
Cell 973-0724
Jim Thomas
Home 859-7456
Biz 851-2231
Cell 477-4387
Tim Ellis
Biz 851-2203
Fax 851-2254